Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mommy Guilt

Here I sit in bed feeling really guilty. See Hubs and I are headed out of town tomorrow for a long weekend. Going away with hubs does not make me feel guilty because after all, we do need to spend time together. My guilt comes in because we are leaving the children at home with the grandparents. They will have tons of fun and will be spoiled rotten when we return, but I still feel guilty. Tonight at dinner the kids gave us a list of requested "gifts" from our destination.
As guilty as I'm feeling tonight, I'm sure they will get everything they have requested and then some more.
I think the last time I felt this guily was when Hubs and I took a cruise when our children where 4 years old and 10 months old. We left them with the grandparents for a week. It was nice to be a couple but I missed them so much. On the third day of the cruise, when we pulled into St. Marteen, I was so excited to see a bank of pay phones at the end of the dock. I wanted to call home and check on the kids. Hubs was less than thrilled to spend the $35 to call home, but I did not care. I needed to hear their sweet voices.
Now the kids are 10 and 7, so they are able to talk to us on the phone. So it makes this type of weekend away a lot easier.
While, I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with the hubs, I will miss the kiddos!
Have a wonderful, Fall weekend!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Hoarder

So, hubs has a problem.... he is a hoarder! He hoards school supplies. It all started when we first got married. My Christmas stocking was always stuffed full of school supplies. I would get a gross of pencils, notebook paper, colored pencils, markers and glue sticks. After a few years of making hints to Hubs that I really did not want school supplies as a gift for Christmas, he finally figured it out. Our son thought Santa had a real sense of humor because he and daddy got fun things and mommy got work stuff...
So, now instead of putting them in my stocking, I get them in the month of August. When the back to school season is coming to a close, Hubs starts to shop for all the good deals at Wally's World, Target, and any other store that has school supplies. He comes home with items every time he walks in the door.
I have enough "extra" stuff in my room to supply an entire elementary school. All my teacher friends laugh at me, because if they need anything, they just ask, chances are Hubs bought 5 to 10 of them while they where on sale!
I just wish he would learn to hoard jewelery, scrapbook supplies, or Disney memorabilia.
Love ya, Hubs!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Suga Walk

Tonight is Ballet and Tap night in our household. Ans has 2 hours worth of dance on Monday evenings. She loves them. Normally I get to sit and grade the stack of papers that I neglected all weekend long. Not tonight! It was parent observation evening and I got to sit in the studio and watch the girls dance. Ans love dance class. She enjoyed it even more tonight when mom got to participate. Yes, you read that right, I had to dance with her. We did the Sugar walk. The kids loved watching us parents shake our hips, fingers and feet to the beat of the music during tap class.
Ans teacher is from South Georgia, so when she says Sugar she pronounces it without the r.
Secretly, I wish daddy had been on dance duty tonight and I could have watched him do the suga walk!
Needless to say, the stack of papers did not get touched until I returned home. I sat and graded 4 sets while watching last nights Brothers and Sisters.
I'm sure over time, you will see lots of pictures and hear stories about dance since Ans is taking 4 difference classes this year.
Not to slight Ry, he had karate tonight (that was where daddy was). He is working on his Advanced Red belt.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Brother-in-law

Ok, so first thing is first....
so, Hubs has a brother, R. His brother has a partner, C. They have been together for 18 months. Sometimes R does things that get under my skin. Our family dinner this weekend was one of those moments. The whole family met at a large chain steak restaurant for dinner to celebrate R and C's birthdays. Their birthdays happen to be over the next two weeks and this was the only weekend we could all get together. Before I go any further, you should also know that the in-laws do not drink any alcoholic drinks, so when we go to dinner with them, there is never anything ordered. On the few occasions that I have wanted a drink at a family dinner, I have excused myself, gone to the bar, gotten said drink, paid for said drink and then returned to the table. That way the drink never shows up on the bill. We always split the dinner bill. The way Hubs and I handle it on our birthdays is that the non-birthday person gives the money towards the bill. We have been handling it this way for almost 13 years.
Back to the dinner, they were almost 20 minutes late to arriving at the restaurant, so we had already been seated, looked at the menu and ordered our drinks. When they arrived, they sat down at the table and the waitress asked if they wanted something to drink, one ordered a coke and the other a gin and tonic. Ok, so that drink was almost $9. My jaw dropped as the waitress brought it back to the table. It dropped a little bit more when drinks 2, 3 and 4 arrived at the table. While we waited for dinner to arrive, the kids entertained everyone with jokes, a history lesson and taking pictures on their DSi.
Dinner arrived and I really enjoyed my steak. It was yummy. We skipped dessert at the restaurant in favor of returning to R and C's condo for yummy mother-in-law made cupcakes. So the waitress brings the check. She hands it to hubs and he looks at it, decided how much money to give towards it and slips the money inside. He then hands to his brother, who passed it right to their father and announces at dinner that they would not be putting money in tonight as we where out to celebrate their birthdays. Plus in addition to the drinks they also had two of the largest most expensive dinners on the menu.
My in-laws took the bill and covered the extra without saying a word at dinner. When we left the restaurant, the kids decided to ride with the in-laws to the condo, Hubs and I got in the car and talked about the bill. See while we where sitting at the table, I did not look at the bill, it was only afterwards did hubs tell me that each drink was $9. He was mad that they stuck his parents with almost $40 worth of alcoholic drinks.
So my question to ya'll is... when you go out with family would you order alcoholic drinks if no one else at the table is drinking? Would you stick someone else with your bill?

So it all begins....

After having a friend tell me for months, I should take the humorous, crazy things that happen in my life and start a blog, I finally did it. See when the hubby and I were laying in bed on Friday evening and I was replaying the latest events of our lives, he said, "please start a blog, no one will believe that this stuff happens to you." My plan is to keep the blog private, so I can tell you the all the crazy things that happen. I hope to entertain you a little, while also sharing a glimpse into our lives.
So let me tell you a little about me. I'm an elementary school educator. I have been married to my hubs for almost 13 years. We live the south east part of the US. I'm a 30 something mother of 2 children. DD is 7 and DS is almost 11. They are the light of our lives and we spend a ton of time running from their respective sporting events.