Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Lollipop, Lollipop..... eeewww lilli lollipop.... pop..... ba doom doom doom...

I never thought those words could turn my stomach as much as they do tonight. They have been posted many time on the wall of one of my "friends" on FB. They are often posted above the picture of a lollipop in which the recipient licks. The total number of licks is recorded to let the posted know how long it takes you to get to the center.
The two people posting these lollipops happen to be having an "affair" before their divorces are final.
All I can say is gross.... What do you think?


  1. Ewwwww! Every time I hear the word I will think of CM singing the song!!!

  2. Ummm this whole thing sounds gross!
